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How Do I Request a Refund?
How Do I Request a Refund?

If you’ve placed an order but have changed your mind before the product has been delivered, requesting a refund is simple and hassle-free. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Contact Us Immediately: As soon as you decide to cancel your order, reach out to our customer support team at Provide your order number and request a refund before the item ships.

  2. Confirm the Cancellation: If the order hasn’t been processed or shipped yet, we’ll cancel your order and issue a full refund to your original payment method. If the item has already been dispatched, we’ll notify you and guide you through the return process once it arrives.

  3. Refund Process: After your cancellation is confirmed, the refund will be processed right away. Depending on your payment provider, it may take 5-7 business days for the amount to reflect in your account.

We recommend contacting us as quickly as possible to ensure your refund request is processed before the item is shipped. If you have any questions, our customer support team is always here to assist you.

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What is your return policy?
How Long Does It Take to Process a Refund?
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Can I exchange an item?