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Payments and Billing
Payments and Billing
Why was I charged more than expected?
Our default currency is USD, and all prices on our website are displayed in USD unless otherwise stated. If you’re making a purchase using a card or account in a different currency, your bank or payment provider will automatically convert the amount to your local currency. This conversion may include fees or use an exchange rate set by your bank, which can result in a higher charge than expected. For more details on the exchange rate or fees applied, we recommend contacting your bank or payment provider.
Is my payment information secure?
Yes, your security is our top priority. We use industry-standard encryption and secure payment gateways to ensure your payment details are safe. We do not store your credit card information on our servers.
Why was my payment declined?
There are several reasons why a payment might be declined, including:Incorrect card details (number, expiration date, CVV)Insufficient fundsBank restrictions or security policiesExpired cardIf your payment is declined, please verify your details and try again or contact your bank for further assistance.
Do you charge sales tax or VAT?
Sales tax or VAT is applied where applicable, based on local laws and regulations. The total amount, including any taxes, will be displayed during checkout.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept a variety of payment methods, including:Credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)Apple Pay and Google PayBank transfers (available for select regions)